The countdown to your new chapter of THRIVING is on!

To the overwhelmed and burnt-out human see you and I promise …

You can heal from burnout, release the hold of self-criticism and negative thoughts, and wake up feeling energized, joyful and confident that you can handle whatever comes your way.

Your next chapter starts here

The thriving version of you is waiting to be uncovered.

I will guide you to embrace it with realistic, science-backed emotional fitness practices that take just 5 minutes a day — no huge life changes or studying brain science for the next 10 years required!

Feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or just getting through the day has become the new “normal”

Maybe you’ve become convinced that burnout is the price you have to pay for doing meaningful work

Perhaps dreading your days or struggling to find joy has become so familiar that you can’t imagine another way

Maybe you feel that you don’t deserve to do what feels good and aligned because you have to please other people

You are not alone.
I used to feel this way, too.

Here’s what I figured out after years of over-efforting and overworking…

Trying harder is not going to make you happier.

Neither is forcing yourself to “just tough it out!”
But deep down you already know that.

Your plate is so full that you can’t even imagine adding something else to it — between work and taking care of all the people in your life, you can hardly find time to take a breath

You’re exhausted from pushing through even when you’re totally depleted because you feel guilty about saying “no” to other people

You can’t stand people telling you to take care of yourself because even that feels like a burden (and you can’t even remember what that is)


Your life wasn’t meant to be this way.

I know because my life was that way. 

On the outside, it looked like I had it all — a successful career, a loving family, and a nice house in a good neighborhood.

But I was completely overwhelmed and dreaded my days.

I was constantly overworking, but I never felt like I was good enough or doing enough. I doubted myself all the time.

I did what I thought I “should” but rarely paused to consider what felt good or aligned.


I never paused to enjoy this wonderful life I was working so hard to build.

After years of struggle and suffering through burnout, I made it to the other side, and I’m here to show you how to get there too. 

This is where the link will jump to

Here’s a short video I made for you about why I created this program

Hi, I’m Nataly!
Your thrive mentor and emotional fitness personal trainer

I came to the US as a refugee when I was 13. Hard work was all I had going for me, so I worked my butt off and built a super-successful career as a tech and finance executive in huge companies like McKinsey and Microsoft and 5 startups.

But 7 years ago I suffered a debilitating burnout which taught me a powerful lesson:

No amount of accomplishments can bring you that feeling of fulfillment you seek if you give up yourself and your well-being in the process of achieving them.

To truly thrive, you have to honor your humanness and create a supportive relationship with yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions (aka strengthen your emotional fitness.)

That’s what I am here to help you do.

You feel what you practice.

If you want to FEEL energized and enthusiastic about your life, to experience aliveness, fulfillment, and confidence that you can thrive amidst challenges, you have practice emotional fitness skills on a daily basis (kind of like exercising to strengthen your physical fitness.)

But when you’re burned out, overwhelmed, or stuck, it’s hard to start doing those things because your brain doesn’t have enough activation energy to motivate you to do them.

This is why you need a thrive mentor and emotional fitness coach (me!):


Activating people to make positive change is my


which is why I am so excited to launch my new emotional fitness coaching program!


A 5-week emotional fitness coaching program to help you heal from burnout, release the hold of self-criticism and negative thoughts, and live and work with more energy, aliveness, and joy.

Learn the 5 science-backed Emotional Fitness skills I’ve taught thousands of people to practice so you can feel more centered, peaceful, and aligned with your best self

Transform your relationship with yourself, so you can stop wasting energy on self-defeating thoughts and become your own greatest supporter (imagine how awesome that feels!)

Discover the un-boring neuroscience of how your brain sabotages your well-being and learn how to edit your thoughts so you can experience more clarity, inner calm, and confidence

Uncover a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction in work and life so you can experience more moments of aliveness and joy (even when things are challenging)

Learn how to fuel your energy and set boundaries (yes, how to say NO!) so that you have abundant energy to do what feels most meaningful


“This sounds great and all, Nataly. But is it right for ME?”

 Great question!

The last thing I want is for you to invest in another program that doesn’t make a meaningful difference in your life.

 So, let’s take a minute to make sure the results I promise are the results you’re after. 

What results can you expect from the


Feel more joy and aliveness

When you improve your inner state, your outer world gets better. You begin to feel more energized, focused, and happier.

You experience more moments of gratitude, joy, and enthusiasm in your daily life and the voice in your head sounds like a good supportive friend (vs. harsh critic).

Unlock your authentic confidence

You discover how to help your brain work for you, instead of against you.

You create a protective barrier against stress and overwhelm. You feel deeply confident to take leaps to grow and expand and know that you have the skills to work through any challenges that come your way — and grow and flourish through them!

Thrive in life and work

Instead of dreading your days or living on autopilot, you begin to make active choices for how you show up — at work, at home, with your family and friends.

You experience a greater sense of purpose and alignment and feel energized to share your gifts in the service of others in ways that feel deeply fulfilling (without sacrificing your well-being!)

Improve your most important relationships

You’re filling your cup every day and have plenty of love, energy, and patience for the people you care about.

You become less reactive to life’s stressors, more aware of your emotions and more open in authentically sharing them with others. You become a force of good in the lives of others.

Pssst... This program isn’t just me sharing what worked for me.

I've taught the techniques and practices I'm sharing to tens of thousands of people over the past 10 years.

They are backed by research and proven to work.

Here’s what my students have to say...

Jodi feels more equipped to handle new challenges at work

“This course absolutely helped equip me for the mental and emotional challenges of an extremely challenging new role where I am leading my peers.

As a former molecular biologist, I truly appreciate the foundational data-backed approach of Nataly's program and would highly recommend this course to anyone finding themselves in a place of struggle.”

- Jodi C.

Allie feels thankful and balanced and has shifted her negative mindset

“I can’t believe what a difference this course has made! I was a little skeptical at first but gave it my all every day. Some days I didn’t want to do the exercise, but after getting out of my comfort zone, the reward was so worth it.

The daily practices of kindness, gratitude, acceptance, and self-care have really relieved my anger towards myself and helped me be more compassionate towards my husband and my kids, especially when things don’t go the way I think they should.”

— Allie K.

Christine has increased her resilience to stressors and is less reactive

“By committing to practicing, I have begun to build different reflexes to things that used to eat me up. I'm responding better and therefore feel better!

THANK YOU for being awesome and coaching us on these practices, which will continue to serve me professionally and personally.”

— Christine L.

Dare to make this the year you invest in your thriving

When was the last time you invested in your most valuable asset?


You’ve no doubt spent the holiday season investing in everyone else — and making everyone else happy.

But what about you?

Is your brain telling you that it’s too selfish?

That you don't deserve to spend
energy, time, and money on yourself?

Maybe like me, you came to believe that you need to be a martyr and put yourself last.


You can't give what you don't have. 

When you improve how you treat yourself, you bring a better, fuller version of yourself to others and your relationships and become more authentic and caring.

Human emotions are contagious. When you feel better, everyone around you does too —  your joy, ease, and inner calm radiate to others.

When you invest in yourself and your inner being, you unlock your full awesome potential and share your unique gifts in the service of others.

Investing in yourself is not selfish.

It's your RESPONSIBILITY to everyone you care about and

the brilliant life you’re here to create.

Backed by my 100% Happiness Guarantee

Press play to see how learning to treat myself with compassion has transformed my relationship with my daughter — and her relationship with herself!

This is where the link will jump to



You will have the support you need to take action on what you're learning with live teaching and coaching with me during weeks 1, 3, and 5.

You don't have to take this journey alone. I'll support, inspire, and keep you accountable every step of the way (and fuel you with tons of my positive energy!)


Every week, you get access to 2 video lessons from my Emotional Fitness Boost Course, which is the foundation of this program.

Each video will teach you a specific skill and realistic, easy ways to implement it in your life right away — without making huge changes or feeling overwhelmed.


Key takeaways, practices and practice templates, reflection prompts, and my inspiring Notes to Self… they are all in your beautifully-designed workbook!

It’s an awesome companion to help you get the most from this program and a great reference guide to come back to.


Each week, I’ll send you a 3-question check-in by email to help you stay on track with your practices and make progress.

If you’re stuck, you can email me and I’ll use my signature “unstuck magic” to help you move forward!


So you can learn on your own schedule and return to the material anytime

And of course:

Convenient access from anywhere through the online course portal

Easy access to all the recordings of the coaching calls if you can't attend them live

Backed by science and thousands of hours of practice.

The 5 Emotional Fitness skills you will master:








Here are the foundational emotional fitness skills you will learn when you join UNLEASH YOUR THRIVING:

Lesson One

Week One

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    What is burnout (it can be hard to define) and the true cause of your burnout — hint: it’s not always caused by “too much work”

    How practicing Emotional Fitness Skills can help you breakthrough overwhelm and chronic stress — one simple 5-minute block at a time

    The mindset shift you can make today to meet life’s inevitable challenges with more resilience and less struggle

    A simple yet powerful daily practice to improve your emotional awareness — an essential ingredient in well-being and self-compassion.

    Practice: Emotional awareness check-in

    You'll learn how to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and choose simple ways to support yourself.

Lesson Two

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    Your brain’s real job description and 3 ways it causes you unnecessary stress and worry (the neuroscience explained in an un-boring way)

    The truth about your thoughts and why your brain tips toward negativity, even when you don’t want it to

    How to talk back to your brain and edit unhelpful, overly negative thoughts — bonus: this step alone will free up lots of energy!

    Why the stories you tell about yourself may be behind your burnout and how to rewrite them

    Practice: Edit your story

    You'll uncover and edit stories that cause you to struggle and feel bad about yourself.

Lesson Three

Week Two

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    Why a misconception about self-compassion keeps you stuck in burnout and what the term really means

    The science behind how self-compassion improves motivation — even on your darkest days

    The mindset shift you can make today to stop judging yourself and start witnessing yourself

    How to use Self-Compassion as a tool to quiet your inner critic.

    Practice: 3 Steps to talking to yourself like a friend

    You’ll learn how to shift from self-criticism to self-compassion in 3 simple steps (a life-changing practice!).

Lesson Four

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    Why acceptance does not mean giving up and its real meaning

    How acceptance helps you stay in control, shows you where to focus, and plugs the biggest energy-drains in your life

    The mindset shift you can make today to climb out of the valley of struggle and into making effective decisions

    The number one strategy to deal with difficult emotions with greater ease — and how it works inside your brain

    Practice: Lens of acceptance

    You’ll learn a simple 2-step practice to help you work through challenges and frustrations with less stress.

Lesson Five

Week Three

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    What the science says about gratitude and how even the smallest dose helps you beat your brain’s negativity bias

    How gratitude doesn't just boost your joy, but strengthens your resilience when life is difficult

    The mindset shift you can make today to stop taking things for granted and start appreciating small joys in your days

    How including yourself on your gratitude list shuts down your inner critic (even the really loud one!)

    Practice: Morning gratitude lens

    You’ll learn how to create a daily gratitude habit, so you can feel more joy every day.

Lesson Six

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    How to stop treating self-care as a luxury and why it's your responsibility to what and who you care about

    How to redefine self-care as the necessary skill of refilling your daily energy reservoir

    The mindset shift you can make today to stop treating yourself like a human doing and start treating yourself like a human being

    The most overlooked aspect of self-care — identifying and limiting your energy drains

    Practice: No/Yes tradeoff

    You’ll get a simple formula to help you stick to your boundaries and preserve your energy.

Lesson Seven

Week Four

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    How to bust the top 3 objections to creating a self-care routine, including, “I don't have time”

    The surprising ways not caring for yourself harms those around you — and the bigger why behind self-care

    The mindset shift you can make today to drop the guilt and start showing up for yourself

    What the research shows about productivity, rest, and taking breaks

    Practice: Daily fuel-up

    You’ll put your self-care into practice with a daily 10-20 minute fuel-up.

Lesson Eight

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    What the science says about your brain on kindness and why it’s essential for your well-being

    Simple ways to integrate more intentional kindness and compassion into your day to feel more connected and less stressed

    The mindset shift you can make today to trade “efficiency at all costs” for intentional kindness

    How to become less reactive during even the highest stress situations by practicing advanced kindness

    Practice: Blast your stress with kindness

    You’ll discover the 2-step process to get out of stress, overwhelm, or anxiety using acts of kindness.

    Practice: Lens of compassion

    You’ll learn how to stop reactivity in its tracks by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Lesson Nine

Week Five

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    How to uncover your bigger why and use it to align your day with what matters to you

    A simple, yet surprisingly powerful practice to reduce to-do list overwhelm by tapping into the greater meaning behind your tasks (you'll have tons more motivation to get them done!)

    The mindset shift you can make today to stop dreading your day and boost your motivation & energy

    Why focusing on the why instead of the what helps you get through the toughest times with resilience

    Practice: To-do list meaning makeover

    You’ll change the way you think about those tasks you always resist, using your Bigger Why.

    Practice: Build your bridge of resilience

    You'll learn how to use your Bigger Why to help you get through challenges and have more confidence to work through your fears.

Lesson Ten

  • In this module, you’ll learn:

    When and how to implement an advanced practice for life’s most daunting challenges — combining the power of all 5 Emotional Fitness Skills

    Why different skills work better for different challenges and how daily practice helps you recognize exactly what you need

    The mindset shift you can make today to stop focusing on the destination and start loving the journey

    How to use your Emotional Fitness practices as a chisel — breaking free of what holds you back from being the AWESOME HUMAN you are

    Practice: Using the 5 Emotional Fitness Skills to struggle less through challenges

    You’ll get a step-by-step guide to facing any challenge by starting with Acceptance and choosing the Emotional Fitness Skill that best matches your needs.

Watch one of the video lessons!

I’d want to get a feel of what I’m signing up for, so I thought you might too.

Here’s Lesson 3: How to quiet your inner critic

This is where the link will jump to

This is where the link will jump to

This program isn’t about just learning useful information

(although you will learn a LOT!)

It’s about putting what you learn into practice and creating lasting, positive habits so you can continue to make progress and experience the benefits long after the program is over.

During our live coaching calls, I will help you create these habits and follow through on your commitments to yourself and your thriving.


Busting through stories that prevent you from unleashing your thriving and fulfillment


Creating a daily emotional fitness practice you will stick with


How to work through self-doubt and quiet your annoying inner critic

Oh, and don’t worry: All calls will be recorded in case you can’t make it!


Get limited-time bonuses! 


The Power of Awe

Jonah Paquette, clinical psychologist and author of Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Connected, will show you how awe can fuel your well-being and thriving.


Uncover Your Inner Awesome

Olivia Ives-Flores, brand strategist, artist, and Nataly’s partner in creativity, will guide you through an inspiring 3-step process to get clarity around your unique gifts and new ways to share them in your life and work.



3 monthly payments of

$398 $265

✓ 10 video lessons

✓ 3 Live group coaching calls

✓ Weekly email check-ins

✓ Downloadable workbook

✓ 2 Bonus masterclasses



1 payment of

$1095 $695

✓ 10 video lessons

✓ 3 Live group coaching calls

✓ Weekly email check-ins

✓ Downloadable workbook

✓ 2 Bonus masterclasses

Get a 20% discount when buying 5+ seats for your team  

 If you want to buy this program for your colleagues or team, email me at and we’ll make it happen — and answer any questions you might have.



Everything included with the full program package PLUS:

✓ 1:1 90-min video coaching call with Nataly

✓ Access to Nataly via private Whatsapp

One time
For 3 months

It’s time to begin your chapter of thriving! 

This program is backed by my
100% Happiness Guarantee 

I’m confident that what I teach inside the UNLEASH YOUR THRIVING program will help you feel better, more calm, confident, and fueled daily. But I want to make sure it works for you. 

So, if you don’t love this program by the end of the first week of the course, simply email me and let me know. And I will give you 100% of your money back.


The program begins on January 31st, but you'll have immediate access to the first 2 video lessons as soon as you register.



Interested in purchasing UNLEASHING YOUR THRIVING for your team or company?

 It’s a fact: Nearly 70% of employees and leaders say they are burned out. This course is a great, meaningful, and actionable way to help your team break free from burnout and feel more energized and motivated to work through challenges and uncertainty.

I’ve taught these skills and practices to 100s of teams and organizations and seen the immediate positive impact on their thriving, ability to work together, and the mindset with which they approach stressful situations.


Get 20% off when you buy 5+ more spots for your team! 

For more info, email me at 

Alicia Davis, Director of Global Finance L&D, Dell Technologies

“Nataly changes your and your team’s lives through her energetic, research-based, interactive sessions that bring to life powerful actions to improve your wellbeing, restore energy, and lead you to work and live happier.”


Got a question I haven’t answered?

Take a peek to see if you can see it below and if not email me at and I will personally get back to you ASAP.

  • A: The program starts on January 31st and all calls will take place at 12pm ET/9am PT.

    All coaching calls (and guest masterclasses) are recorded so no worries if you miss one or two.

    As soon as you buy the program you’ll get immediate access to the first 2 video lessons and the interactive workbook!

  • A: Of course, I’d love for you to show up live to the group coaching and masterclass calls.

    But if you can’t, you will have access to the recordings.

    And you can submit any questions in advance of the calls. Even if you can’t attend live, I’ll be sure to answer your questions.

  • A: If you are at the point of extreme burnout, please seek help from your health professional, first and foremost.

    This program is all about taking small daily steps to feel more energized and joyful. It’s designed to relieve your stress, overwhelm, and burnout — not add to it.

    I’ve collected only the most effective and simple techniques, and I tell you exactly what to do to feel better. There’s nothing complicated, and there’s no guessing.

    And you can start with 5 minutes of practice a day and see immediate positive results.

    You have lifetime access to everything in this program so you can always come back to anything you’ve missed.

  • A: I don't blame you for being skeptical. You’ve probably invested in things before and were disappointed when your results fell short of your expectations.

    That’s why this program focuses on small, daily wins to help you build your skills. Because doing even the smallest thing creates the biggest momentum (this is called activation energy).

    You don’t need to change your entire life in order to start feeling better immediately.

    Everything I teach is simple, doable, and backed by science & research. I don't teach anything that’s not proven to work.

    The daily practices don't take a lot of effort or time, and you’ll begin to notice more changes with every practice.

  • A. This is the only time this year that I’ll be leading this coaching program.

    So if you’re thinking about it, do sign up.

    Remember that you get lifetime access to the program and all recordings so if there are parts you have to miss, you can always go back to them later.

  • A: Yes!

    We offer a 20% discount for 5+ seats.

    Please send an email to with the details about your group and number of people you’d like to sign up, and we’ll take care of it ASAP!


How fast can you expect to see results?

This work is about taking small, realistic, doable steps to feel better.

The truth is, change doesn’t happen overnight. But change WILL happen, if you commit to this process and to your practice.  

Emotional Fitness isn’t a quick fix. (You’ve tried enough of those to know they are temporary and often leave you feeling even worse.)

Emotional Fitness is a practice that will change your relationship with yourself for the rest of your life so you can THRIVE!

It doesn’t take much of your time, but it does take practice.


Here’s everything you get when you join the Unleash Your Thriving program today:

10 Pre-recorded video lessons with emotional fitness practices

3 Live group coaching calls with me (Nataly)

Weekly email accountability check-ins

Downloadable workbook and interactive handouts to help you with your practice

2 Bonus masterclasses with guest experts in well-being and creative thriving

Darin Brown

“Nataly combines research, science, and her own journey to teach us the tools for bringing our best selves to life and work. Her course is an accessible but powerful reminder that we need to put on our own oxygen masks before we can help others.”

If you’re still here, thank you

Here’s a personal note from me to you...

Hey Awesome Human, 

Being a human is hard.

My life is not all sunflowers and sunshine (although you will find me painting sunflowers to bring more joy into my life!).

Challenges in life are C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T, you can’t control that.

But you can learn to struggle less, even amidst challenges.

The emotional fitness skills you'll learn in this program give you the tools you need to feel more in control, less stressed and overwhelmed, and authentically confident to take meaningful leaps in your life and work that feel truly aligned (aka not just doing what you think you should.)

It doesn't mean life will always be smooth or everything will always be amazing.

But it does mean when the tough days come you’ll be armed with an Emotional Fitness toolkit that will help you handle challenges with less struggle.

With more compassion for yourself and greater clarity for how to get through them. More learning and flourishing.

But it is a practice.

Just like physical exercise is a practice... if you stop exercising your muscles will relax, and you'll wave those great calves goodbye.

Emotional Fitness is exactly the same — if you keep practicing what I teach you in this program, your emotional muscles will become stronger and more powerful than you ever thought possible.

But you can’t think or wish yourself into change. You have to DO something to change. Are you worth 5 minutes a day of your own care and attention?

If you’re ready, I invite you to start taking control of your life, your happiness, and your thriving today.

Click the button below to join me.

P.S. Remember, you can try the Unleashing Your Thriving program for the first 7 days. And if you’re not happy, I’ll refund 100% of your money.


You can wake up energized again — and feel more aliveness, joy, and calm confidence that you can handle whatever comes your way.

Your next chapter starts here




Backed by my 100% Happiness Guarantee



3 monthly payments of

$365 $265

✓ 10 video lessons

✓ 3 Live group coaching

✓ Weekly email check-ins

✓ Downloadable workbook

✓ 2 Bonus masterclasses



1 payment of

$1095 $695

✓ 10 video lessons

✓ 3 Live group coaching

✓ Weekly email check-ins

✓ Downloadable workbook

✓ 2 Bonus masterclasses

Get a 20% discount when buying 5+ seats for your team  

 If you want to buy this program for your colleagues or team, email me at and we’ll make it happen — and answer any questions you might have.



Everything included with the full program package PLUS:

✓ 1:1 video coaching call with Nataly

✓ Access to Nataly via private Whatsapp

One time
For 3 months